vendredi 21 février 2014

Le Treport-Fin juin 2013

Pas de news sur le blog dans la deuxième partie de l'année 2013, mais des sorties, l'organisation du Tattoo Kustom Festival, et du boulot à l'atelier...Commençons par les sorties...

No news in the second half of 2013 on the blog but some outings, the Tattoo Kustom Festival organization, and a lot of works at the club's shop...But let's begin with the outings...

Souvenirs, souvenirs...

 BBQ on the waterfront

 Who's that guy among the elderly? They seem scared...

 In front of our friend Claude's restaurant

 Bel Air's gathering



samedi 25 mai 2013

Dream Fish Kustom Week-End part 1


Quelques photos prises par notre ami Gégé lors de notre virée à Allassac. Mauvais temps mais chaude ambiance...Super festival avec un grand merci aux organisateurs qui se sont défoncés.

Some shots taken by our friend Gégé during our trip to Allassac. Very bad wheather but a warm atmosphere...Super weekender and a big thanx to the organizers.

 Who is this bad guy with this shinny car? (A note to Anna : the beer is only for the shot. It was mine and I drink it during the rest of the trip. Phil)
 Allassac landing on friday...Still some sun!
 Preparing the BBQ
 Northsiders camp
 Downtown Allassac
 Sunday evening fun...with warm jackets!

Sunday's last sunrays

samedi 11 mai 2013

La suite...The following


Un nouveau post avec encore quelques photos du work in progress à l'atelier et des vues plus récentes de la "Batmobile" en cours de remontage.

A new post with some more shots of the workshop's "work in progress" and more recent views of the "Batmobile" re-assembly.

 In the prep' room with all trim holes removed
 Some welding on the driver side rear quarter panel after removing of the rusty parts and applying some new steel patches.
 Trying to install the future crusin skirts. After 2" of lowering it will be great...
 Candy paint first part...
 Deep Candy red, finale
 The "Batmobile" in the paint booth
 Rear fin
 Front reassembly have begin
 She begins to look like a car again...

Still a lot of work to complete it

vendredi 10 mai 2013

Fairlane 500 the mild Kustom way...


Notre membre Didier a un bon talent de dessinateur et de peintre et il s'est risqué à l'esquisse de ce que pourrait être la Fairlane après traitement.

Our crew member Didier have some real drawer and  painter talent and he's done some sketch of what the Failane would look like...

Still Alive and well...

Hello Folks,

Peu de nouvelles durant ces mois d'hiver...Pour autant nous n'étions pas en hibernation. Le boulot a continué sur la Ford Fairlane, aussi sur la Bel Air 57 de Gerald. Une nouvelle voiture a rejoint le club, une Chevrolet Bel Air 1963 californienne, maintenant propriété de Marc...Une première sortie de quelques voitures le week-end dernier...Une virée à Allassac avec trois voitures dans une semaine....

Very few news during this winter months...But we're not hibernating . Work have continued on the Ford Fairlane, on Gerald's Bel Air 57. A new car have join the club, a californian 63' Bel Air, now Marc's property...A first trip with some car last week end...A trip planned to Allassac with three cars...

Stay tuned and enjoy the following shots

 The most recent run...
 ...With some help thought!
 Marc and Philippe at work
 The beast is quite bare
 And the tuck n'roll is still to come...!
 Aaah the joy of driving, wind in the air and face...a kind of hot rod at present!
 The wacky wobblers!
 With some progress on the body nearly primed, the work continue on the chassis rails even with nearly two degrees (celsius) below zero.

Bare metal

samedi 5 janvier 2013

Rockin'Ricco's Portfolio

Notre bon ami Rockin'Ricco, photographe attitré de nos événements, amateur de grand talent, nous a fait parvenir ces quelques photos prises lors des Rockin'Méry #1 et du Tattoo  Kustom Festival #7, tous deux en 2012.  Enjoy...

Our good friend Rockin'Ricco, our very own photographer, amateur of great talent, send us some shots taken during Rockin'Méry #1 and  the Tattoo Kustom Festival #7, all in 2012.  Enjoy...

     All shots Rockin'Ricco/ Do not copy without permission

mardi 1 janvier 2013

Happy New Year 1953....whoops 2013...from the Northsiders members to all of our friends. Keep'em Rollin and have a Rockin year.